Colegio Michael Ham
Búsquedas / Materias / Novedades


Resultado de la búsqueda

18 documentos en 0,53 segundos responden a los criterios que formulaste
que contengan las palabras w_QuerybySubject/ PLANETS en Materias )

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Clasificación Cutter Título Autor Autores Media Copias Disp. Edición
912First atlas Morgan, Mary Morgan, Mary Smith, Sara Hardlines(cartography and simbols)artlet, Robert (illustrator) Libro 0 - GEOGRAPHY1994
523.1My first atlas of the universe Campos Salva, Carlos Alberto Campos Salva, Carlos Alberto Libro 1 - SCIENCE2005
 Planet Earthá Pratt, Leonie Pratt, Leonie Tudor, Andy (illust.)Wray, Zoe (design) Libro 1 - ENGLISH THIRD2007
523.1Scholastic atlas book of space Vekteris, Donna Vekteris, Donna Pelletier, carl Levesque, Rielle Lalumiere, Marc Togola, Mamadou Rouleau, Michel Yazedjian, Ara Yves Ahren, Jean Boivin, Melanie (illustrators)montagne, Robert (astronomer) Libro 1 - SCIENCE2004
507Science write and read books Robillard, Veronica Robillard, Veronica Chambliss, Maxie (illustrator) Libro 1 - SCIENCE2002
523.2Solar system Berger Melvin and Gina. Berger Melvin and Gina. Libro 1 - SCIENCE2005
523.2Solar systemx Deprisco, Dorothea Deprisco, Dorothea Roper, Robert (illustrator) Libro 1 - SCIENCE2001
523.1Space Osborne, Will Osborne, Will Osborne, Mary Pope Murdocca, Sal (illustrator)o, Stephanie (scientific consultant) Libro 1 - SCIENCE2002
I 8 cSpace Adventure Coleman, Adam Coleman, Adam Libro 1 - ENGLISH THIRD1992
500.5Space facts Stott, Carole Stott, Carole Twist, Clint Libro 1 - SCIENCE1995

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